Ariete 155-14 810W 復古系多士爐

Ariete 155-14 810W 復古系多士爐

Ariete 155-14
已售出 >20 件



已售出 >20 件
再3%回贈,最低價為 $358,此價只適用於使用FPS或銀行轉賬付款
1 年
購買此產品可獲得 2積分 下次購物可以當HK$2使用
現在下單,最快會於 2024-06-05 取貨或送貨

Power: 810W
Functions: cook, defrost, heat
Adjustable toasting: 6 browning levels
Removable crumb tray
Automatic centering of the slices
Automatic ejection of the slices
Cable wrapping compartment
Non-slip feet
Product dimensions: 300 x 190 x 200 (mm)
Box dimensions: 335 x 225 x 27.5 (mm)
Master dimensions: 465 x 350 x 570 (mm)
Pieces per master: 4
Product weight: 1.6 (Kg)
Box weight with product: 2.0 (Kg)
Weight master: 8.8 (kg)
Pieces per pallet: 64